Gateway to online professional learning
Spring 2019 Courses Available January 7, 2019 - April 26, 2019
Please Note: Grades will not be submitted to MNU for college credit until payment to SWPRSC has been verified.
Books can be purchased through the Southwest Plains Amazon affiliate store
by clicking the link included with the course description.
by clicking the link included with the course description.
Bringing Joy Back into the Classroom
by Danny Brassell Bringing Joy Back into the Classroom is a motivating book for teachers. The author, Danny Brassell, uses stories and humor to inspire teachers to create a warm, welcoming classroom environment. Effective instructional strategies are integrated throughout the book in an appealing manner. Drawing from Maslow’s hierarchy of needs and self-actualization Danny helps teachers to understand what makes them happy and how to stay positive. This book brings into focus what teachers do, why they do it, and the positive results they get from it.
for the Bring Joy Back into the Classroom book study. COST: $150 (payable to SWPRSC) + optional $90
(payable to MNU) for one hour of college credit Successful completion of this book study will earn 1.0 college credit. |
Click the book cover below to purchase the book from our Amazon affiliate store.
Total Participation Techniques: Making Every Student an Active Learner
by Persida & William Himmele This book was written to provide educators with tools and techniques to keep students cognitively and actively engaged in the learning process. It is an alternative to the “stand and deliver” teaching practice. Included in this book are 51 field tested classroom activities . The authors describe the activities or the Total Participation Techniques (TPT) with step by step instructions. Many real-life examples from authentic classrooms are used to illustrate how the activities can be integrated into learning activities. TPT's can be adapted and personalized to fit any teacher’s context and content. This book is for teachers and administrators. Adult learners also benefit from these techniques because they enhance the delivery and increase the understanding of the concept being taught.
for the Total Participation Techniques book study. COST: $150 (payable to SWPRSC) + optional $90
(payable to MNU) for one hour of college credit Successful completion of this book study will earn 1.0 college credit. |
Click the book cover below to purchase the book from our Amazon affiliate store.
Leading With the Heart
by Mike Krzyzewski Leading With The Heart extends the basketball metaphor to business and life in general. Through the perspective of preseason, regular season, post season, and than all seasons, Coach K reminds readers of what it takes to lead on and off the court: to communicate effectively with teammates, to gain the trust of those teammates, and to learn from both success and failure. Participants in this book study will build/enhance a leadership plan to succeed in today's competitive society.
for the Leading With the Heart book study. COST: $150 (payable to SWPRSC) + optional $90
(payable to MNU) for one hour of college credit Successful completion of this book study will earn 1.0 college credit. |
Click the book cover below to purchase the book from our Amazon affiliate store.
Metaphors & Analogies:
Power Tools for Teaching Any Subject by Rick Wormeli By participating in this book study, educators learn the benefits of equipping students with skills and tools to think metaphorically. Participants will also gain practical tips to support a variety of students from all grade levels through improved instruction, an understanding of symbolic sensing, and meaningful assessment. Wormeli provides a balance of vignettes, pedagogy, and procedures to showcase the strategic tools educators need to enhance their differentiation practices in any classroom. This book is a "must read" for teachers who wish to coach deeper thinkers. CLICK HERE TO REGISTER
for the Metaphors & Analogies book study. COST: $150 (payable to SWPRSC) + optional $90
(payable to MNU) for one hour of college credit Successful completion of this book study will earn 1.0 college credit. |
Click the book cover below to purchase the book from our Amazon affiliate store.
The Politics of Coaching: A Survival Guide to Keep Coaches from Getting Burned
by Carl J. Pierson Whether you are a novice coach or a seasoned veteran, you need this book. Throughout your career, you will be faced with the politics that accompany your decisions. Pierson offers suggestions and solutions to guide participants through the process, from making decisions to dealing with the aftermath. "The Politics of Coaching is nothing short of a playbook to help coaches navigate their way through the perilous, stressful, cutthroat world that has become coaching."
for the Politics of Coaching book study. COST: $150 (payable to SWPRSC) + optional $90
(payable to MNU) for one hour of college credit Successful completion of this book study will earn 1.0 college credit. |
Click the book cover below to purchase the book from our Amazon affiliate store.
FISH! A Proven Way to Boost Morale & Improve Results
by Stephen C. Lundin, Ph.D. Addressing todays work issues (including employee retention and burnout) with an engaging metaphor and an appealing message that applies to any sector of any organization, Fish! offers wisdom that is easy to grasp, instantly applicable, and profound--the hallmarks of a true business classic. Based on a bestselling ChartHouse training video which has been adopted by corporations including Southwest Airlines, Sprint, and Nordstrom.
for the FISH! book study. COST: $75 (payable to SWPRSC) + optional $45
(payable to MNU) for college credit Successful completion of this book study will earn 0.5 college credit. The Energy Bus
by Jon Gordon In the mode of other best selling business fables, the Energy Bus by Jon Gordon takes readers on an enlightening and inspiring ride that reveals 10 secrets for approaching life and work with the kind of positive, forward thinking that leads to true accomplishment - at work and at home. Everyone faces challenges.
for The Energy Bus book study. COST: $75 (payable to SWPRSC) + optional $45
(payable to MNU) for college credit Successful completion of this book study will earn 0.5 college credit. What Connected Educators Do Differently
by Todd Whitaker, Jeffery Zoul & Jimmy Casas In this text, education professionals Whitaker, Casas, and Zoul, "use their combined 90 years of educational experience to present their solution: personalized professional development through networking with educators using social media."
The text consists of eights key factors that require the reader to take its contents from declarative knowledge to application. CLICK HERE TO REGISTER
for the What Connected Educators Do Differently book study. COST: $150 (payable to SWPRSC) + optional $90
(payable to MNU) for one hour of college credit Successful completion of this book study will earn 1.0 college credit.
Click the book cover below to purchase the book from our Amazon affiliate store.
Click the book cover below to purchase the book from our Amazon affiliate store.
Click the book cover below to purchase the book from our Amazon affiliate store.
Successful completion of this book study will earn 1.0 college credit.
Trauma-Sensitive Schools: Learning Communities Transforming Children's Lives, K-5
by Susan E. Craig This course will explain ways for all educators to better understand students and what their behavior tells us. A quote from the foreword states, "...punishment doesn't change behavior; it just drops hundreds of thousands of kids into the school to prison pipeline."
Reading and studying this book will begin educators' thinking about how to stop traumatizing already traumatized students and how to create a socially and emotionally safe environments in their classrooms and schools. CLICK HERE TO REGISTER
for the Trauma-Sensitive Schools book study. COST: $150 (payable to SWPRSC) + optional $90
(payable to MNU) for one hour of college credit |
Click the book cover below to purchase the book from our Amazon affiliate store.
Fair Isn't Always Equal
by Rick Wormeli A guide for teachers and administrators who would like to be "sensitive to students' varied readiness levels and learning styles while successfully navigating through a high stakes, standardized-testing world."
Wormeli is a National Board Certified Teacher, a winner of Disney's American Teacher Award for English, and a 20-year teaching veteran. CLICK HERE TO REGISTER
for the Fair Isn't Always Equal book study. COST: $150 (payable to SWPRSC) + optional $90
(payable to MNU) for one hour of college credit Successful completion of this book study will earn 1.0 college credit.
Click the book cover below to purchase the book from our Amazon affiliate store.
What Great Teachers Do Differently:
17 Things That Matter Most by Todd Whitaker "Describes the beliefs, behaviors, attitudes, and interactions" that great teachers embed in the learning lifestyles of their classrooms.
Whitaker, a professor at Indiana State University, shares both his own experiences and the research he has gathered from other great teachers in this teacher-friendly guide to great teaching. CLICK HERE TO REGISTER
for the What Great Teachers Do Differently book study. COST: $150 (payable to SWPRSC) + optional $90
(payable to MNU) for one hour of college credit |
Click the book cover below to purchase the book from our Amazon affiliate store.
Successful completion of this book study will earn 1.0 college credit.
CHAMPS: A Proactive & Positive Approach
to Classroom Management by Dr. Randy Sprick "Shows teachers how to develop and/or fine tune an effective classroom management plan that is proactive, positive, and instructional - one designed to stop behavior problems before they start."
Dr. Sprick, the director of Safe & Civil Schools, trains and supports over 20,000 teachers and administrators every year through his workshops and projects. CLICK HERE TO REGISTER
for the CHAMPS: A Proactive & Positive Approach to Classroom Management book study. COST: $150 (payable to SWPRSC) + optional $90
(payable to MNU) for one hour of college credit |
Click the book cover below to purchase the book from our Amazon affiliate store.
Successful completion of this book study will earn 1.0 college credit.
#eWalkThrough: Digital System for Instructional Leadership
by Dr.Kelly Gillespie This book explores the digital classroom observation system created by Dr. Kelly Gillespie and her team at Southwest Plains Regional Service Center. The power of the data collected through digital classroom observations provides instructional leaders with the data to motivate, nurture, and support both self-reflection and instructional conversations.
COST: $150 (payable to SWPRSC) + optional $90
(payable to MNU) for one hour of college credit |
Successful completion of this book study will earn 1.0 college credit.
Visualization: Using Mental Images to Strengthen Comprehension
by Linda Zeigler This book is intended to help classroom teachers, reading specialists, and other professionals who are involved in creating and delivering high-quality reading instruction to students. The book's 57 lessons are presented within 13 goals and address: the digital age & intentional instruction, minds-on strategy, using higher-order thinking skills to attack complex text, and more.
for the Visualization book study. COST: $150 (payable to SWPRSC) + optional $90
(payable to MNU) for one hour of college credit |
Engaging Students With Poverty in Mind
by Eric Jensen Moving from Teaching with Poverty in Mind to the engagement of students is where this book study will lead your classroom. Jensen uses research, real school stories, and experiences to give practical application to the classroom.
CLICK HERE TO REGISTER for the Engaging Students With Poverty in Mind book study. COST: $150 (payable to SWPRSC) + optional $90 (payable to MNU) for one hour of college credit |
Click the book cover below to purchase the book from our Amazon affiliate store.
Along with Dave's Teach Like A Pirate, this book allows you to look at the learner and empower them to "collaborate, lead and succeed!"
P(eer collaboration), I(mprovement), R(esponsibility), A(ctive learning), T(wenty-first century skills), and E(mpowerment) are the keys with practical applications to have a student-led, engaged classroom! Successful completion of this book study will earn 1.0 college credit. COST: $150 (payable to SWPRSC) + optional $90 (payable to MNU) for one hour of college credit CLICK HERE TO REGISTER for the Learn Like A Pirate book study. |
Teaching like a pirate has nothing to do with the dictionary definition and
everything to do with the spirit. Pirates are daring, adventurous, and willing to set forth into uncharted territories with no guarantee of success. They reject the status quo and refuse to conform to any society that stifles creativity and independence. Dave Burgess will tap into your inner PIRATE of teaching: P(assion) I(mmersion) R(apport) A(sk and analyze) T(ransformation) E(nthusiasm) COST: $150 (payable to SWPRSC) + optional $90 (payable to MNU) for college credit Successful completion of this book study will earn 1.0 college credit. CLICK HERE TO REGISTER for the Teach Like A Pirate book study. |
to purchase the book from our Amazon affiliate store COST: $150 (payable to SWPRSC) + optional $90 (payable to MNU) for college credit |
From Planning to Practice by Rick Wormeli In this book, Rick Wormeli takes readers step-by-step from the blank page to a fully crafted differentiation lesson. Along the way he shows middle and high school teachers the behind-the-scenes planning that goes into effective lesson design for diverse classrooms.
A thorough and practice guide, Differentiation: From Planning to Practice also provides an overview of the cognitive science behind differentiation as well as a more than two-dozen tools that make differentiation doable in the classroom. Successful completion of this book study will earn 1.0 college credit.
CLICK HERE TO REGISTER for the Differentiation book study.
Explicit Instruction:
Effective & Efficient Teaching by Anita Archer & Charles A. Hughes The first four chapters of this book focus on the foundations of explicit instruction and the design of lessons using this model. The second four chapters address the organization and delivery of instruction, as well as the process of independent practice.
Successful completion of this book study will earn 1.0 college credit.
COST: $150 (payable to SWPRSC) + optional $90 (payable to MNU) for college credit CLICK HERE TO REGISTER for Anita Archer: Explicit Instruction
to purchase the book from our Amazon affiliate store COST: $150 (payable to SWPRSC) + optional $90 (payable to MNU) for college credit |
The Bully, the Bullied, and the Bystander
by Barbara Coloroso It’s the deadliest combination going: bullies who terrorize, bullied kids who are afraid to tell, bystanders who watch, and adults who see the incidents as a normal part of childhood. All it takes to understand that this is a recipe for tragedy is a glance at headlines across the country. In this updated edition of The Bully, the Bullied, and the Bystander, which includes a new section on cyberbullying, Barbara Coloroso, one of the world’s most trusted parenting educators, gives parents, caregivers, educators—and most of all, kids—the tools to break the cycle of violence.
Successful completion of this book study will earn 1.0 college credit.
CLICK HERE TO REGISTER for the Bully, Bullied, Bystander book study.
by Kelly Gallagher "The systematic killing of the love of reading, often exacerbated by the inane, mind-numbing practices found in schools."
This book investigates possible explanations of why many students go through school with a strong dislike for reading and what we can do to turn that around. Kelly Gallagher is a teacher in California and shares strategies he uses in his classroom. Successful completion of this book study will earn 1.0 college credit. COST: $150 (payable to SWPRSC) + optional $90 (payable to MNU) for college credit CLICK HERE TO REGISTER for the Readicide book study |
Shouting Won't
Grow Dendrites by Marcia Tate This online book study expands the brain research of Dr. Marcia Tate's initial book, Worksheets Don't Grow Dendrites. Her twenty activities designed to involve students in the learning process are further expanded and encourage teachers to explore new ways to provide brain-based learning opportunities for their students.
Successful completion of this book study will earn 1.0 college credit.
COST: $150 (payable to SWPRSC) + optional $90 (payable to MNU) for college credit CLICK HERE TO REGISTER for the Shouting Won't Grow Dendrites book study.
Teaching With Poverty in Mind
by Eric Jensen This course studies the effects of living in poverty and how it affects children, families and the community.
We will learn what teachers can do to help students living in poverty reach true academic success. Successful completion of this book study allows you to earn 1.0 college credit hour.
COST: $150 (payable to SWPRSC) + optional $90 (payable to MNU) for one hour college credit CLICK HERE TO REGISTER for the Teaching With Poverty in Mind book study.